home assistant synology

{ Hmm. Enable Advanced Mode in the account options. This sensor will wake up your Synology NAS if its in hibernation mode. Note: Activate Gmail SMTP For Docker Containers. Are you looking at the images, or containers? If you want to upgrade HA, just change the version in the JSON file, and re-import to create a new container. Click FINISH. 3. Do NOT use the Home Assistant DSM package that is floating out there, it is not a supported installation method and you will have a lot of trouble getting things set up. So my only suspicion then, is that the Synology Docker UI doesnt support all of the features for a Docker container, which leaves you with either using the command line, or the UI (which will limit what you can set against the container). The first container that I set up usinfg the CLI worked as expected and showed up in the Docker GUI. Well be logging into the NAS using SSH, so we can perform some Linux commands. Next challenge is getting mosquitto to run on the Synology. No command prompt to worry about with all those flags. 2) I have a few docker containers that need to restart for various reasons. Instead, you should login using your admin username and password. After going through the update process, it appears the new container is whats not showing up. image: eclipse-mosquitto:latest Select Import from OVA files, then select Next. MySQL is a database server (I run it in its own container), so theres no overheads for Home Assistant to worry about. Synology version is 6.1.7. I managed to make it work, so I dont have to use the command line to redirect the USB device to Docker. (Ive tried both through GUI and CLI) Response times are pretty good, if not the same as the z-stick. How to Set Up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology NAS, 3. A friend of mine has it working but I keep getting, mosquitto_1 | WARNING: no logs are available with the db log driver Code owner commands. https://community.home-assistant.io/t/setting-up-mysql-on-a-synology-nas-docker-container/16253. Audio Station [] Audio Station [] Now that we have everything setup, its time to login to our Diskstation via SSH. For a more accurate location, move your location point on the MAP. My solution was to move off the NAS to an old nettop PC I had around. You'll have to learn a bit of sql language, though. { It is a management UI you can run from within Docker to manage other docker containers. This container will be running an operating system, that will in-turn run Home Assistant. I experience a strange behavior though with zwave. In this (long) episode of Home Assistant series we will install motionEye in Docker on Synology.https://github.com/ccrisan/motioneyeTerminal Emulator - PuTTY. Ive updated the commands below to include versions highlighting DSM 6. "enable_publish_all_ports" : false, Entities reporting the current network transfer rates of the NAS. 2) I currently have my Synology NAS set to RAID over the harddrives. You may need to prefix the command with sudo, so. } Sorry Im running out of ideas. Such a pain! I added USB bluetooth for BLE xiaomi sensors connection. So in terminal, it shows 3 containers, but in the Synology Docker GUI, it shows only 2. 3. But good for others to use if it works on Synology (wasnt sure it would). It is pulling the latest version all the time. Ive looked into it a bit, and it seems like it may allow for mapping, but I havent figured out the syntax to even try it as a solution to that issue. and to check what groups the account running home assistant belong to. Follow the instructions below: General: In the Task field type in Install Home Assistant.Uncheck "Enabled" option. First thanks for the great howto. Thank you for that, now there is a bug into the latest Hassio and I would like to pull an older version, can you tell me what I can do to install a previous version? Thanks for the heads up and info where to put the options.xml file! 1883:1883 Well need this for network discovery to work. /volume1/docker/mosquitto/data:/mosquitto/data Although now on the 13th try or so, it worked. Oh excellent! Note:This guide works perfectly with the latest Homeassistant 2023.2.5release. These sensors include the total installed amount, the currently free amount and the % of memory used. Use at your own risk. General: The information on this blog has been self-taught through years of technical tinkering. Note: How to Clean Docker. HI Phil, If you dont see any folders like Shared etc, then you might want to create a new Shared folder from the Synology UI. When I upgraded to 0.39, the libopenzwave path changed, and my network key didnt get mapped. So, to setup a scheduled task in Synology go to Control Panel -> Task Scheduler -> Create -> User Defined Script, Once in there, you can enter in any command you would normally execute via SSH. I of course used your command, with sudo, but modified volume path and USB device (for zwave) to match my world. Find-synology.com Clasificado 422.550 th a nivel mundial y 53.743 rd en Belgium. You are basically in God mode. In this guide, I'm going to show you how to install it using Docker on a Synology NAS, with full compatibility with z-wave and network discovery. Im very new to HA / Docker. Can I use Lovelace as a GUI for home assistant running on my Synology. but how do i edit the yaml files ??? Another option might be to Install Portainer as a docker container. Also using the sudo prefix (which you may have to do on DSM6) may affect this. This tutorial looked at how to set up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology NAS. Thanks for the write-up Phil, it helped me a lot! My workaround has been to just stop the docker container, run Domoticz app on Synology for a few moments, turn off Domoticz, and then restart the docker container. It's built for busy networks with smart home . I would first try and mount the volume with a -v. See if that does something for it? It may not be /usbshare1, so take a look around the file system to see what the file path might be. -itd This is actually three commands in the one. end. --restart=always This is a powerful and handy flag to set, especially for Home Assistant. User @patflest on the Home Assistant forums has tested these commands with DSM 6, and found that by prefixing the commands with Also, the Docker container runs as a specific NAS user which is also used to ensure that it has limited access. STEP 1 Please Support My work by Making a Donation. Audio Station Synology NAS Audio Station Audio Station DS audio Synology NAS 1. But that package adds some drivers which may allow you to use the USB. I havent used this for some time, but heres a Docker image I used for HomeBridge. You can set up Home Assistant on a Synology NAS relatively easily in Docker, however, there are a bunch of benefits to installing the supervised version. I guess you might be able to answer one more question for me though: If you want to use the same folder as I did above, you can create it by running Then I realized that my indentation was off in the yaml. When I used that, from memory I just placed by options.xml file in the same folder where my Home Assistant configuration.yaml file was placed. While we do our best to provide accurate, useful information, we make no guarantee that our readers will achieve the same level of success. Then try running your docker containers again with docker start. I now tried pulling lroguet/rpi-home-assistant and that one did pull So.. must be something strange with the homeassistant/home-assistant docker repository? title: Configurator 6. You can set up a Im using an Aeotec Z-stick. Would you be able to advise how to solve this please? In the bottom right, select Add-On Store. We will install Home Assistant using Virtual Machine Manager. Just replace 0.61.0 with the version you want. On my version, I need to enter the username root. Uncheck the Enabled option. You can place it in any folder you like. The setup options are a bit limited but I noticed if I exported the container settings a json file is generated. By default the 1min load sensor is disabled. Thanks for fast response! :) in what part of the world are you? Sort of. Not ideal. Both upload and download sensors are available. icon: mdi:wrench The Home Assistant community is friendly, and always happy to help! ], Ive installed HA and looking at the help section because when I try to add a Z-Wave device using Add Node I get an error Failed to call service zwave/addnode. cap_add : null, I was able to find Open vSwitch at Connectivity Network and then click the Manage pull-down menu and select Open vSwitch settings. Certbot or something from the Synology NAS directly? It then checks to ensure the device did get turned on/off. STEP 6; Once you click on User-defined script a new window will open. Ive tried your suggestions, but without success. ]. To perform the docker commands in this blog post, you must use the root user from SSH. Stop Current Container Container > select container > Action > Stop Synology Assistant is an easy-to-use tool for managing Synology NAS in the local area network (LAN), especially when you have multiple machines working within the LAN. Go to Control Panel / Task Scheduler / Create / Scheduled Task / User-defined script. I wonder if it has something to do with renaming it the same thing as the previous container? Something to look into I guess! Hey there @hacf-fr, @Quentame, @mib1185, mind taking a look at this issue as it has been labeled with an integration (synology_dsm) you are listed as a code owner for? Im very curious to see different components you described in your posts. . And while it might have been true in the beginning that Home and Siri did not allow much more than turning single devices on or off, that has certainly changed. cap_drop : null, So anything starting with docker should be accurate, no matter what version of DSM youre using. restart: always /volume1/docker/mosquitto/log:/mosquitto/log. I see FlowerCare in HA without addidtional activities. Do you know if there are some logs somewhere that can help? This might be an explanation on your high memory use. Im stuck, however, because I dont run a docker command to start Hass.io. Inside the docker folder, create one new folder and name it homeassistant. The Home Assistant Supervisor will allow you to install a bunch of add-ons that will enable you to configure your Home Assistant install quickly and easily. Modify it however youd like! The vera has support for a lot more devices than openzwave, which is a bonus. The Dockerfile from Home Assistant will automatically install the Z-wave libraries for us. It might work but not sure on the syntax to use on Synology. Now that Advanced Mode is enabled, we can install the Terminal & SSH application. Do you have your config posted anywhere by chance I can browse over? I have a Rasperry Pi 4 with SSD running Home Assistant OS. Your site is coming along nicely. Nevertheless, Infact, according to my docker ps, I have had the same container for over 2 years on my NAS. Has anyone else seen this and/or knows how to get them to show correctly in the Docker GUI? You could have a Home Assistant automation, which starts the Domoticz container. By default, your Synology allows basic access to the filesystem. No I havent setup SSL just yet. Synology DSM - Home Assistant Synology DSM The Synology DSM integration provides access to various statistics from your Synology NAS ( DSM 5.x and higher) as well as cameras from the Surveillance Station. Also import is the t, which tells Docker to tag the container for future use. --net=host Another important and powerful flag. I then set up my second container following this guide and renamed the old one (originally created via GUI) to home-assistant-old. 2 days later, theres another update, so I renamed the one made two days ago to home-assistant-old2. Now my GUI only shows home-assistant-old2 and home-assistant-old, but it does not show the latest one I just setup today with the latest build. Click OK. After you click OK onSTEP 6, select your Install Home Assistant Task then click the Run tab. as above drivers are not loaded by default, I had to write a startup Im no real expert with HASS IO unfortunately, havent used it too much. docker run tells Docker to run a container with the parameters were parsing. If youre still using the built in SQL lite database, I found that to be very very slow. According to the Discovery Component Docs there are a couple of known issues on Windows. 4. I am running DSM v6.2.1, I would try a couple of these commands to see if it can help you track it down. The file goes in the openzwave config_path not the HA config path. My trip into Z-Wave was triggered by a project to control a sun screen, for which no HomeKit solutions exist. I must say, I find it strange that a piece of software like Home Assistant is so troublesome.. Once your Z-wave radio is plugged in, we need to find out the path to the radio. The help says run commands: You can then connect to HomeBridge on port 51826 to set it up. I cannot access this path by Synology File Station. Does that alter the command line for launching the Docker container at all if the new locations are: In the Schedule tab, Select Run on the following date (make sure It's today's date). Note: Find out the Best NAS Models For Docker. Yeah you can give it access to /dev/zwaveusbstick. If youre having issues getting the Docker package to start, check your network settings. This is a big issue because I dont know how to edit configuration.yaml as no text editor is available in Synology ssh. I store all of my things like InfluxDB, MySQL etc on the NAS, but all the automation work etc is handled on the nettop, which just runs Home Assistant now. The synology NAS hit its CPU limit first as they don't have 'that' powerful processors in the home consumer versions, where as you can throw an i7 in the PC. In this case, because there are extra things like net=host being used, the DSM UI just wont work on some versions of DSM. There are sensors the report the current CPU load, separated by User, System and others. If not Im sure Google will be able to find the path. Then its just a matter of adjusting the run command above to the path where your USB files are. Trying to follow the instructions here, but I get stuck at creating the folder before installing Home Assistant. I dont think so. So replace /volume1/Shared/docker with /homes/[user]/homeassistant/config. You should be familiar with logging into and using SSH. You would ensure that you make that mapping responsibly. They were in the home folder. Home Assistant is a free and open-source home automation software written in Python with a focus on local-control and privacy. Choose to share or no anonymized information. When you plug any USB device into your NAS (or any Linux system), it is given a filepath that you can use to access it. 5. Not sure. This is related to the fact that utilization information is stored in the core module. I have created a udev rule for my aeotec zstick: Im not sure if Synology have pushed an update out, or if it was just Murphys Law by me posting the article. Not sure what would cause it. Step: sudo docker run name home-assistant restart=always net=host privileged -itd -v /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config:/config device /dev/ttyUSB0 -v /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb homeassistant/home-assistant I want to instal Home Assistant on my 218Play. sudo chmod g+rw /dev/ttyACM0. 5. Adding Synology DSM to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user FATA[0000] Error: failed to remove one or more images, Damn, so I guess its not a cache issue then. In my automations, whenever I call turn_on or turn_off on a z-wave device, I also have a script. Note: If you want to run the Home Assistant container over HTTPS check How to Run Docker Containers Over HTTPS. I tried running it on a regular debian install, and that was a pain as well Basically, if you dont want to run it on a rPi, youre in for a ride.. I believe youll need to restart home assistant before it will detect the www folder, If the restart command doesnt work, you may need to use. Ive found the Docker will not start if you have an OpenVPN network connection enabled. Im considering starting completely fresh by deleting all instances (and docker) and starting over. Using any other account (even the admin account) just wont work. Before we begin, we first need to plug in our Z-wave USB radio into the NAS. Choose your Currency. These sensors report if a drive has exceeded the maximum threshold for detected bad sectors and if a drive has dropped below the threshold for its remaining life. Active/back-upmodus 4. In my shared folder, I do have a Docker subdirectory with a homeassistant folder. Great job! The Z-Stick is still there as it shows up ttyACM0 but I have another that the original path was /dev/ttyUSB2 and I cant find it anywhere. Once a week, a complete system backup is taken, but also stored on the NAS. You can also set up any other integrations that youd like! 1. When you insert a USB drive, I think it creates a folder for you at /usbshare1, So, you could then replace those in the docker run command. You would need to spin up another docker container in order for it work. --device The magic flag that will link the USB Radio into the Home Assistant machine/container. Which just caused more problems with HA components. If its a driver issue, then it seems like theres got to be a way for HA to do this without Domoticz. The only difference I am aware of is how you access root as explained above. I do have a volume called volume1 but I dont see any folders such as Shared, docker or homeassistant. When I click OK I get: select a Link Aggregation modus: Use the official Home Assistant apps, a convenient companion to quickly control your devices and be notified when things happen in your home, even on your wrist using the Apple Watch. Stop and delete the container Be sure to replace [user] with the username that exists in the users folder already. Ah yes of course! May be homassistand did not make when started. When I plug the device into my NAS, it appears to be showing up as /dev/ttyACM0 which Ive seen several people mention is the address that theirs shows up as. Do you use a script (if yes, please share) or shut down the docker service entirely? For each camera added in Surveillance Station, a camera will be created in Home Assistant. It depends on your DSM version, and what things used to create the container. I had to use a manual configuration yaml to get all of my devices populate. To be honest I have never used the import/export feature of the Synology Docker UI. 4. I think Option 2 is where I will go, cause when I restart Hass out of a trigger, It will not come up (err_connection_refused) until I restart the docker container. For myself, I have the following USB devices plugged in. Theres a few things you should be familiar with before we get into the nitty-gritty of this. Note: Add USB Support on DSM 7. From what youve posted, I cant see why Synology wouldnt accept it. However, it does depend on having the HA configuration directory outside the container (which isn't difficult to set up, and a good idea anyway because otherwise, if your Docker container gets removed, your HA setup gets removed). What I was able to do was install the Certbot docker container onto my Synology, and generate the keys into a file. Any creative ideas on how to automate this? (homes contains user folders). I get this error message, and I have checked the Shared Folder permissions, which seem OK. Any idea why this wont work? Ive tried starting a docker image with the commands that you mention above, but I keep getting an error ( https://gist.github.com/soccerob/8d8ba635c09f8e94e5a0d8db609ac4e6 ). Can you see them if you do a docker ps -a in a terminal? So check whats before the :/config, i have /volume1/docker but no hass for homeassistant folder just a folder called @eaDir. Make sure to log out of your normal users account and then login with the separate user you created specifically for Home Assistant. Youll then be asked for a username. Unfortunately the DSM docker UI can be a bit hit or miss. I need configuration.yaml because I would like to add Xiaomi gateway, I think volume1/Shared is protected by the system. Docker is in Volume 1 too. Yeah I have trouble restarting from inside HASS as well. Im really liking this whole container thing. [ 74.639906] usb 1-2: Setting MaxPacketSize 64 Now, in my spare time, I want to set also docker-hub, graphana and so on. me), its helpful to have this ability. I can start and stop Home assistant from terminal., Lets edit our configuration file and add the following. Hmm I am not sure on this one. sudo insmod /lib/modules/ftdi_sio.ko. Considering how rare it is for my NAS to reboot, I havent delved into it deeper, and just hope it keeps working. Thanks , Hey Phil, Ive been working on getting the homeassistant/home-assistant image running on my Synology. With that comes more responsibility to keep things updates. . cpu_priority : 50, Ive added a z-wave controller by plugging it in one of the (two) USB-ports on the NAS, will add a bluetooth dongle as well and consider maybe an Ikea Trdfri Gateway but will be out of ports for that. 2. Eventually I found that Home Assistant was pretty slow to run on the NAS as my needs increased. Sorry if I bother you, but another suggestion of yours is really appreciated. Am I looking in the wrong place? Remember, as weve only included the config directory in the -v flag, the Home Assistant container wont be able to access anything outside of that directory on the NAS. 3. Adding Network UPS Tools (NUT) to your Home Assistant instance can be done via the user interface, by using this My button: Network UPS Tools (NUT) can be auto-discovered by Home Assistant. Get the current name of your container and version sudo docker ps In running this command, note the NAME of your container as well as the IMAGE. [ 74.620877] usb 1-2: Detected FT232RL Type in the IP Address of your NAS, and the port number specified when you enabled SSH above (default is 22). Again, this is a vm on your Synology. You seem to be quite knowledgeable about this so Im hoping you can help me figure it out. 16 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3918e856bf2553e9ba29e63900902d12253351a33f49f649ebcb24afef7199aa.png docker: Error response from daemon: Bind mount failed: /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config does not exists. By doing this, the user will not be able to login to the web interface or view any of the files on the Synology NAS. Your guidelines are really helpful. Home Assistant on a Synology NAS with Docker Watch on I will try tonight and will inform you. I personally thought the udev mapping was a bit overkill. Would be great if you could explain, how exactly to restart the HASS docker container out of the DSM control panel. It hadnt changed at all. I had to use sudo -i after logging as admin. For everyone who is interested in running a Home-assistant in docker with SSL this solution worked for me at a DS 1515+. Thanks for sharing this! Its probably a permissions thing but I lost all of my notes as well. Any suggestions? type : rw The apps can also be used to send your location home to use presence detection as part of your automations. Thank for your quick reply, my syno worked until I rebooted twice and now it is dead again. I just took a look at my instance of HASS running on my Synology, and memory is at 0% CPU between 1% and 3%. In this tutorial, were going to look at how to set up Home Assistant Supervised on a Synology NAS. Living without add-ons on Home Assistant Container Home Automation Guy 60K views 11. 2. 13. Error response from daemon: No such image: homeassistant/home-assistant:latest Please view our complete disclaimer at the bottom of this page for more information. In the bottom right, click on the Youll need to create a new container to run on 0.61. Strange. If you arent sure what Im talking about, this is the tutorial I have showing how to set up a bond interface (which might or might not help): https://www.wundertech.net/how-to-set-up-link-aggregation-on-a-synology-nas-lacp/. But how can I start Home asistant from DSM menu? Check the docker run command you used, and take a look at the -v flags. Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters. A question on your hardware: Reading this one in particular helped me to move my HA from a Pi 3 to my xpenology (a Dell T20 running Synology Is). Instead, if youd like to use the Bluetooth device tracker, you can use the following flag to give Home Assistant access to that device. Original version also do not start (Its my oponion I renamed to home assistant-old). sudo they will work on DSM 6. Here you can validate the latest version you currently have deployed. Ill look into converting to the MySQL database in its own container. I am still using the same container I setup for these instructions: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtqgvoheXGQ, I tried something similar with the eclipse mosquitto. I cant see any new devices appearing under /dev when I plug the Aeotec Z-Stick in. image969 (James Scialdone) May 6, 2022, 3:01pm #6 In terminal, it shows all 3 and the latest one is actively running, but the containers list in the GUI has no record of active containers, but the CPU/RAM indicators show activity and I can reach Home Assistant via a browser (both of the old containers are off). Automation created to download mp4 video files from my Ring Doorbell and Ring Stickup Cameras using Downloader. I removed -d, and started trying, so I noticed it got my requests on port 8123 and just tried again. Did you have any issue with high memory usage on the Synology NAS docker container? Note: Can I run Docker on my Synology NAS? Everything z-wave related just stops working. 12. i have looked every where ! So, if the issue is making the USB port accessible to the Docker container via a command line adjustment, I dont know where that would go. mkdir -p /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config. Every user that logs into the Diskstation can access the same files as everyone else. All other commands are then just simple docker commands, which havent changed since I posted this. This time well want to do the following. However, I would suggest trying to install that Netifaces dependency inside the container. Hmm, I use Pushbullet ok here. Thanks for your helps. Does the Trdfri Gateway require a USB port? So these paths are no longer valid? Restart Current Container Container > select container > Action > Start. Follow the instructions below: Note: Before you paste the code above in the Run command area below, change the value for TZ(Select your current Time Zone from this list). Once Docker runs the container, our SSH session is returned to us. Interesting. EDIT: Disregard.. You will be asked to run Install Home Assistant click Yes. cmd : python -m homeassistant config /config, When this happened, the lock stopped working. Note: Be careful to enter only lowercase, not uppercase letters. The one that sticks out to me is, If you are on Windows and youre using Python 3.5, download the Netifaces dependency, Home Assistant recently upgraded the Docker images to Python 3.6. Set the users that youd like to manage the virtual machine, then select Next. I discovered that those path are valid temporarily, the path in the default directory is the right path where the certificates are stored every time. I think this still wont allow for hibernation to happen because the container itself is still running on Volume1. Select Finish to proceed. Just have to do the run/stop on Domoticz with HA container off. No need. You are right I meant Home assistant, I did it and it works, highly appreciated. Unfortunately Ive never come across that one and not sure how to help :/, Phil, my DSM went wonky and had to re-install. So if you run Domoticz, it will fix the Z-wave issues without needing to pull the USB out? Still didnt help. There are many ways to manually do things inside of Home Assistant, but the supervisor will allow you to do it in an automated way without much tinkering. Click NEXT. However, Id like to migrate the setup to Windows using the Docker container method. brilliant blog nice tutorials and inspiration thanks for sharing! Unless of course youre using DSM 6, which you can use the admin account if you prefix all docker commands with sudo. Now select Do not repeat. After a week or so of usage, my SQL database was easily over 400mb in size, which meant restarting and running hass was slow, because it had to maintain this huge database file. 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It has something to do was install the Certbot docker container onto my Synology the following on Synology.https //github.com/ccrisan/motioneyeTerminal... Y 53.743 rd en Belgium see any new devices appearing under /dev when I upgraded to 0.39 the. Container with the separate user you created specifically for Home Assistant protected by the.. Nas as my needs increased comes more responsibility to keep things updates some... With sudo, so. accept it just wont work adds some drivers may! Into a file ( Ive tried both through GUI and CLI ) Response times are pretty good, not! This please bit overkill restart the HASS docker container method as Shared, docker or homeassistant the the! Starting over start Home asistant from DSM menu other docker containers that need to restart HASS. With logging into and using SSH, so. deeper, and take a look around file... Add xiaomi gateway, I havent used this for network discovery to work amount and the % of memory.... 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Update, so I noticed if I exported the container for future use usage the! Scheduled Task / User-defined script a new window will open expected and up. Https: //uploads.disquscdn.com/images/3918e856bf2553e9ba29e63900902d12253351a33f49f649ebcb24afef7199aa.png docker: error Response from daemon: Bind mount failed /volume1/Shared/docker/homeassistant/config... A way for HA to do the run/stop on Domoticz with HA off., docker or homeassistant some logs somewhere that can help you track it down NAS 1 at creating the before! Disregard.. you will be asked to run install Home Assistant, I need configuration.yaml because I would suggest to! /Volume1/Shared/Docker with /homes/ [ user ] /homeassistant/config OVA files, then select Next version the. Sudo prefix ( which you can validate the latest version you currently have deployed by project... Thanks for the heads up and info where to put the options.xml file good, if the! With the separate user you created specifically for Home Assistant belong to ] audio Station [ now. Latest homeassistant 2023.2.5release quick reply, my syno worked until I home assistant synology twice and now it is my. We get into the Diskstation can access the same thing as the previous container this... Docs there are a couple of known issues on Windows '': false, Entities reporting the CPU. Lets edit our configuration file and add the following USB devices plugged in look at the images, or?. Needing to pull the USB lroguet/rpi-home-assistant and that one did pull so.. must something. The run/stop on Domoticz with HA container off with docker start highlighting DSM 6 well! This still wont allow for hibernation to happen because the container settings a JSON file is....

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home assistant synology